An idea has popped into my head regarding the other factor at work in a market. Until now, I had thought of price only as a function of time. I failed to really appreciate the human side of the equation. Ultimately human emotion drives the market. Right? After all, the decision to buy or sell is made by a human, and collectively those decisions become price movements. I've never taken the time to study human behavior in markets. Perhaps, just perhaps, there is an edge to be gained in doing so.
I can admit, I am not the typical consumer. I've realized I wouldn't have done well in the entrepreneurial world - merely because of my inability to understand people. Pick on anything you like; myself having been in IT for the dot com boom, I thought I might have a chance at starting something. Code it and they will come! However having seen sites like Myspace and Facebook do well, I realize how out of touch I am. Who would post all there personal details on some random companies site? And why communicate inside such a black box? Evidently there is a reason, since so many are doing it2.
Which brings us back to trading. Have you ever thought about why someone would take the flip side of your trade? How does TraderX1 make his trading decisions? Even a machine must be programmed. How does he trade? And does it matter to me? His decision, just like my own, moves the market! Given my choice to be proactive or reactive in my trading I have often sought to be reactive. Try and let the price set itself, and attempt to profit accordingly. I think being proactive is possible, and thinking about behavior could help that.
If your convinced at this point that this could play a role in your trading, I'll attempt to leave you with something. When this idea popped into my head, I immediately thought of Google Trends. It's sometimes shocking to see what the latest thing is on peoples minds (at least viewed thru google). The top searches and hot topics list are ever changing as the news disseminates what people should be thinking about today. Presumably this critical mass googles the sound bites, and thus you can "rank" the news on importance to the general populace. I would bet you the marketed media of the day is always in the top 5. Of course if you take that bet, I wouldn't have to worry about trading anymore. I'd be rich! Now, we simply need the same polling of currency traders.
1. Ok, I couldn't resist a Nick Leeson reference.
2. I suppose marketing to "con"-vince enough people into using the site until you reach a critical mass was the game plan here. Now people signup and use social networks simply because everyone else is. Amazing.
I have no illusions about a winter burst of creativity, but I have two folding bikes that are in pieces that I keep wanting to fix up so the my wife and I have something to ride when we travel.