
We're all self-employed

I was reminded today of that simple little fact. Yes we are all self-employed. Before someone balks at this notion, I would say the majority of people trade there time (finite resource) for money (infinite resource) directly. If they ever cease trading there time, the money also ceases. This can be a real problem when you can no longer trade your time, but still require money. I evaluated this thought of exchanging my time for money, and in a true traders perspective, found it a poor return on assets. This blog was founded on the idea that there had to be a better way of providing for my needs than a direct exchange of my time for money1.I think anyone who has ever resold the same piece of “time”, aka work, would agree. Artists, writers, musicians, etc all understand the idea of reselling the same time block. The idea here is to create something that you can utilize for income, without having to spend the same amount of time as the initial outlay. Sounds a lot like passive income, and to a large extent it is. These folks are multiplying there monetary returns on there time by reselling that same time block again and again. Sometimes this resale requires no more time input, resulting in a truly passive income stream. Generally however, I would guess a small amount of time is required to continue to see the return. All said, we should seek to do the same as traders.

Whether your on an automated or manual setup, it's likely your seeing a better than 1 to 1 return on your time spent versus money earned. Trading in general requires upfront commitment, but the returns on that time spent allow you achieve a similar enhanced monetary return in exchange for your time. Unfortunately, even in this digital world I don't have the "dream" job of reselling my work again and again, a la a musician or writer. At least not yet. Happy trading.

1. Read steps 1, 2, and 3; especially step 2.

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